Monday, August 6

Tired - written July 6th, 2012

i'm tired
i'm tired of being lied to
tired of being used
tired of dealing with lawyers
tired of being hurt and broken hearted
tired of my family
tired of being smiled at then stabbed in the back
tired of abussive husbands messing things up
tired of having my chain yanked with no happy ending
tired of waiting
tired of being treated like i'm stupid
tired of idiots doing idiotic things
tired of being lonely
tired of broken promises
tired of being nice all the time
tired of my hands constantly shaking when i think about her
tired of thinking about her every second of the day
tired of facebook
tired of getting my hopes up and having them ripped away
tired of being tired
tired of this fucking heat
tired of karma constantly mistaking me for someone else
tired of poeple doubting me
tired of typing this crap that no one reads
tired of you
tired of being looked down on
still tired of you

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