Thursday, January 5

Spring Cleaning Life


     saying you are sorry to those you have wronged and better yet being able to forgive those you feel have wronged you warms the heart and lifts the weight of the soul. carrying these guilt's with you in life can sometime hinder what you are looking to achieve out of it. being able to forgive doesn't mean you have to forget. always remember things that in your life have altered it. we so easily forget about the people and things in our life that we may or may not have realized changed who we really are. 
     think back to what you were doing on this day ten years ago. most people won't be able to remember exactly what they were doing or who they had seen or spoken to because most of us was going the the motion of everyday life which is monotonous and somewhat boring. we have always heard to live this day as if it was your last but almost none of us ever do. if you were to pass on tomorrow would you be remembered for what you did today? i know that i wouldn't  be remembered for the things i did today and most people wouldn't. most of us seem content where we are in life and never want more out of it.
     there are many things i would love to do and see before i die. i know i may never get to do or see them but that doesn't mean i have to give up on them. even if you only think about them and never forget that you still have dreams then you will always remember that there is more to life. always try to take a step towards them and know that even if life pushes you back three steps that you are still able to move forward. those things in life that pushes you back will soon give up. so never give up on what you want to see or do in life. it will be more fulfilling at the end of it and you will be able to say you don't have any regrets because you were always trying and never gave up.
     OK, i have no clue where all this came from and it is extremely rare for me to say these things. who knows? if only one person reads this and it makes them feel better about there life then maybe i did my part. if not, then that's fine to. at least i know that i put in an effort and that alone is worth it. be happy. love a lot and often. live free and die without regrets.

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